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[Banten News] PT Krakatau Posco Evokes the Enthusiasm of a Healthy Lifestyle

Apr 29, 2020


PT Krakatau Posco Evokes the Enthusiasm of a Healthy Lifestyle

BantenNews.co.id | 18:02 WIB

CILEGON ? With the enthusiasm of benefiting the nation and society, the choice to continue operating while constantly disciplining oneself against the pandemic with health protocols, protecting yourself and your family and local people for the sake of Indonesia is a step that needs to be maintained.

Manager of Corporate Secretary, Edwin Sumiroza said, PT Krakatau POSCO realized that the Company could not work alone.

“Every day employees will return to the environment and live with the community, so the awareness of local residents and the efforts of the Government to jointly prevent a pandemic is very influential for the continuity of this effort,” he said, Saturday (9/5/2020).

PT Krakatau POSCO is actively supporting the efforts of the government and the community in dealing with the prevention of Covid-19. Apart from spraying disinfectants, assistance with masks, hand washing equipment in several public facilities, PT Krakatau POSCO was present with cadres in the community to educate on the threat of a pandemic that has not ended.

One of them is through the format of Training of Trainers which is conducted at the RT, RW, Karang Taruna, Majelis Taklim, PKK, and Posyandu in a pilot RW appointed by the sub district.

“The cadres are prepared as well as possible to campaign for a healthy lifestyle to the general public, so they are not careless in the midst of the pandemic situation that is still ongoing today,” he said.

He continued that the form of activity that had been carried out was in the form of socialization about healthy living patterns at the Samangraya, Kubangsari, Deringo, and Banjarnegara Sub-District Offices in a row as scheduled, with resource persons from PT Krakatau POSCO along with speakers from the closest healthcare to environment of each location.

“The cadres are not only equipped with education related to the second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic, but also equipped with fighting spirit and high self-confidence to be able to work together to invite people in their environment to work together to implement a healthy lifestyle that must start from oneself, for the family, for the surrounding environment, and ultimately for the beloved city of Cilegon,” he explained.

Support for socialization promotion media packages in the form of banners, hundreds of stickers and brochures, as well as a portable sink has been delivered to help the cadres. This “combat tool” was given to campaign for the implementation of a healthy lifestyle for the community.

“From this series of activities, the Company hopes that the City of Cilegon in particular will be more prepared and alert and will not be complacent about the existence of the Coronavirus which threatens health and life safety. The success of residents and employees in facing the pandemic is a collective success in keeping the wheels of the economy moving,” he added.



(Bahasa Indonesia)

PT Krakatau Posco Gelorakan Semangat Pola Hidup Sehat

CILEGON ? Dengan semangat memberi manfaat bagi bangsa dan masyarakat, pilihan untuk terus beroperasi seraya tak henti mendisiplinkan diri melawan pandemi dengan protokol kesehatan, melindungi diri dan keluarga serta warga sekitar demi Indonesia adalah langkah yang perlu dipertahankan.

Manager Corporate Secretary, Edwin Sumiroza mengatakan, PT Krakatau Posco menyadari bahwa Perusahaan tidak dapat bekerja sendiri.

“Karyawan setiap harinya akan kembali ke lingkungan dan hidup bersama masyarakat, maka kesadaran warga masyarakat sekitar dan upaya Pemerintah bersama-sama mencegah pandemi sangat berpengaruh bagi kelangsungan upaya ini,” ujarnya, Sabtu (5/9/2020).

PT Krakatau Posco secara aktif mendukung upaya pemerintah dan masyarakat dalam menangani pencegahan Covid-19. Selain bantuan penyemprotan disinfektan, bantuan masker, alat cuci tangan di beberapa fasilitas umum, PT Krakatau Posco hadir bersama para kader di masyarakat mengedukasi ancaman pandemic yang belum berakhir.

Salah satunya melalui format Training of Trainer yang dilakukan pada tingkat RT, RW, Karang Taruna, Majelis Taklim, PKK, dan Posyandu di satu RW percontohan yang ditunjuk oleh pihak kelurahan.

“Para kader dipersiapkan sematang mungkin untuk mengkampanyekan pola hidup sehat kepada masyarakat umum agar tidak lengah di tengah situasi pandemi yang masih berlangsung hingga saat ini,” katanya.

Di melanjutkan bahwa bentuk kegiatan yang telah dilaksanakan berupa sosialisasi tentang pola hidup sehat di Kantor Kelurahan Samangraya, Kubangsari, Deringo, dan Banjarnegara secara berturut-turut sesuai dengan yang telah dijadwalkan, dengan narasumber dari PT Krakatau Posco bersama dengan para narasumber dari Puskesmas yang terdekat dengan lingkungan masing-masing lokasi.

“Para kader tak hanya dibekali dengan edukasi terkait menghadapi pandemi Covid-19 gelombang kedua, tetapi juga dibekali semangat juang dan kepercayaan diri yang tinggi untuk dapat bersama-sama mengajak masyarakat di lingkungannya agar dapat bersinergi menerapkan pola hidup sehat yang harus dimulai dari diri sendiri, untuk keluarga, untuk lingkungan sekitar, dan pada akhirnya untuk Kota Cilegon tercinta,” jelasnya.

Dukungan paket media promosi sosialisasi berupa spanduk, ratusan stiker dan brosur, serta wastafel portable telah disampaikan untuk membantu para kader. ‘Alat tempur’ tersebut diberikan untuk mengkampanyekan terapan pola hidup sehat bagi masyarakat.

“Dari rangkaian kegiatan ini Perusahaan berharap Kota Cilegon pada khususnya semakin siap dan waspada, serta tidak lengah terhadap keberadaan Coronavirus yang mengancam kesehatan serta keselamatan jiwa. Keberhasilan warga dan karyawan dalam menghadapi pandemi adalah keberhasilan bersama untuk menjaga roda perekonomian terus bergerak,” imbuhnya.
