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[Banten Hits] Krakatau Posco “Blusukan” Campaign for a Clean and Healthy Lifestyle during the Covid-19 Pandemic

Apr 29, 2020


Krakatau Posco “Blusukan” Campaign for a Clean and Healthy Lifestyle during the Covid-19 Pandemic

Bantenhits.com |

Cilegon-Krakatau Posco invites all citizens of the Cilegon city to adopt a Clean and Healthy Lifestyle. Especially during the Covid-19 Pandemic.

They do not hesitate to campaign to the community down to the RT level. This is done through the format of Training of Trainers (ToT) which is carried out at the RT, RW, Youth Organization, 1Majelis Taklim, 2PKK, and 3Posyandu in one pilot RW designated by the village.

Recently, Krakatau Posco held ToT at the Samangraya, Kubangsari, Deringo, and Banjarnegara Sub-District Offices.

"So, through this ToT, we will create cadets who are prepared as careful as possible to campaign for a healthy lifestyle to the public so they are not caught off-guard in the midst of a pandemic situation that is still ongoing," said Edwin Sumiroza, Corporate Secretary of Krakatau Posco in a press release received by BantenHits.com, Saturday, September 5, 2020.

Edwin emphasized that in the ToT the cadets are not only provided with education related to dealing with the second wave of the Covid-19 Pandemic. They are also equipped with fighting spirit and self-confidence to adopt a clean and healthy lifestyle.

"We are preparing socialization promotion media in the form of banners, hundreds of stickers and brochures, as well as a portable sink to help the cadres. "The combat tool" is given to campaign for the implementation of a healthy lifestyle for other people," he explained.

1 Islam community;

2 community organizations that empower women;

3 Integrated Healthcare Center



(Bahasa Indonesia)

Krakatau Posco ‘Blusukan’ Kampanye Pola Hidup Bersih dan Sehat saat Pandemi Covid-19

Cilegon- Krakatau Posco mengajak seluruh masyarakat kota Cilegon untuk menerapkan Pola Hidup Bersih dan Sehat. Terutama di saat Pandemi Covid-19 ini.

Mereka tak segan untuk mengkampanyekan ke masyarakat hingga ke tingkat RT. Caranya melalui melalui format Training of Trainer (ToT) yang dilakukan pada tingkat RT, RW, Karang Taruna, Majelis Taklim, PKK, dan Posyandu di satu RW percontohan yang ditunjuk oleh pihak kelurahan.

Teranyar ini, Krakatau Posco menyelenggarakan ToT di Kantor Kelurahan Samangraya, Kubangsari, Deringo, dan Banjarnegara.

“Jadi lewat ToT ini kita mencetak kadet yang memang dipersiapkan sematang mungkin untuk mengkampanyekan pola hidup sehat kepada masyarakat umum agar tidak lengah di tengah situasi pandemi  yang masih berlangsung hingga saat ini,” kata Edwin Sumiroza, Corporate Secretary Krakatau Posco dalam siaran pers yang diterima BantenHits.com, Sabtu, 5 September 2020.

Edwin menegaskan dalam ToT para kadet tak hanya dibekali dengan edukasi terkait menghadapi Pandemi Covid-19 gelombang kedua. Mereka juga dibekali semangat juang dan kepercayaan diri untuk menerapkan pola hidup bersih dan sehat.

“Kita siapkan media promosi sosialisasi berupa spanduk, ratusan stiker dan brosur, serta  wastafel portable untuk membantu para kader. ‘Alat tempur’ tersebut diberikan untuk mengkampanyekan terapan pola hidup sehat bagi masyarakat lainnya,”jelasnya.
