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Krakatau Posco to Strengthen Synergy with Consumers

Apr 29, 2020


Krakatau Posco to Strengthen Synergy with Consumers

Bisnis.com | 20:46 WIB

Bisnis.com, JAKARTA - Krakatau Posco is holding a Business Forum 2020 through an online platform to strengthen synergy with domestic consumers and introduce high-grade products through the new Accelerated Cooling facility.

Director of Technology and Business Development, Gersang Tarigan, said that to update domestic market conditions, Krakatau Posco developed high-end products through TMCP products to shift imported materials, lifting domestic content to be even more superior.

According to him, even in the midst of a pandemic situation, the company continues to carry out various innovations on an ongoing basis to be able to increase sales and strong synergies with its consumers.

The discussion was held with the main theme "PTKP Quality Expansion (TMCP Product) as a Contribution to Indonesia Industry". The definition of TMCP or Thermo Mechanical Control Process itself is a process of rolling steel plates at a certain temperature followed by air or water cooling to accelerate the cooling rate.

This process will produce a steel that is stronger, tougher, and has good weldability. The topic raised in the Business Forum is also in line with the government's strategy to reduce the value of steel imports and increase domestic content.

Nova Listiyanto Saputro and Moh. Rizal Ibrahim as the Product Design Engineer also explained the current market conditions, the Company's achievements, and the technical aspects of the TMCP (Thermo Mechanical Control Process) as well as the projections for the national project for the next 5 (five) years as well as the supply demand for TMCP materials.



(Bahasa Indonesia)

Krakatau Posco Perkuat Sinergisitas dengan Konsumen

Bisnis.com, JAKARTA - Krakatau Posco menggelar Business Forum 2020 melalui platform online untuk memperkuat sinergi dengan konsumen domestik dan memperkenalkan produk high grade melalui fasilitas baru Accelerated Cooling.

Direktur Technology and Business Development, Gersang Tarigan, menyampaikan bahwa untuk memperbarui kondisi pasar domestik, Krakatau Posco mengembangkan high-end product melalui produk-produk TMCP untuk menggeser material impor, mengangkat konten domestik untuk lebih unggul lagi.

Menurutnya, meski di tengah situasi pandemi, perusahaan tetap terus melakukan berbagai inovasi secara berkelanjutan untuk dapat meningkatkan penjualan dan sinergi yang kuat dengan para konsumennya.

Diskusi digelar dengan tema utama “PTKP Quality Expansion (TMCP Product) as a Contribution to Indonesia Industry”. Pengertian TMCP atau Thermo Mechanical Control Process sendiri adalah sebuah proses rolling pelat baja di temperatur tertentu dengan diikuti pendinginan udara maupun air untuk mempercepat laju pendinginan.

Proses ini akan menghasilkan baja yang lebih kuat, tangguh, dan memiliki sifat mampu las (weldability) yang baik. Tema yang diangkat dalam Business Forum ini juga sejalan dengan strategi pemerintah untuk menekan nilai impor baja dan meningkatkan konten domestik.

Nova Listiyanto Saputro dan Moh. Rizal Ibrahim selaku Product Design Engineer juga memaparkan tentang kondisi pasar saat ini, pencapaian Perusahaan, dan teknis TMCP (Thermo Mechanical Control Process) serta proyeksi proyek nasional 5 (lima) tahun ke depan serta supply demand material TMCP.
